This is JimJim Williams.
He is 47 years old.
He is polite and has good manners.
He is a confident person most of the time, but when it gets to the sensitive topics, he could become rather timid.
He is the mascot for his own adult sex toy shop.
Before he owns this shop, he worked as a bank teller. But he quit/laid off 3 years ago.
He got this shop from a friend, who eloped with a gangster's mistress.
He has a lot of regular customers. They regard JimJim as their good friend.
JimJim is a good listener.
He treats his customers as friends as well.
Customers always come to JimJim to share their personal problems... not always problems in the bedrooms, but mostly relationship problems (between lovers/husband and wives/parent and child/friends/neighbours/...).
JimJim would find ways to help solve their problems.